Hmmm...I thought I'd give it a try. I don't think it cured the nasty flu bug I have but my yummy soy, no water, no foam, sugar free vanilla (with an extra pump), 170 degree chai tea latte did warm my up my insides and soothe my throat. I've been missing my daily dose of this and going more than 3 days without it put me through withdraws. I've been trying to nurse myself back to good health before my sessions resume this weekend since returning from my nice little vacation. I was hoping to get out there and go crazy experimenting and having fun, but no such luck since this bug seems to drain any and all of my energy. From what I've heard, this was going around in the Bahamas - my first little foreign bug, a special souvenir - I should be so lucky! Ha!
Anyway, hope you all are healthy. From what I hear in this part of the state there are quite a few horrible flu strains going around - hope you all are spared. :)