What more could a birthday girl want?! Okay, I know Brielle's birthday was in August, but things were crazy and hot in August so we post-poned her party. She's never asked for a party, never asked for presents and just enjoyed the celebrating with family. Since she's never had a 'friend-party' I thought turning 5 was the perfect time. She was elated!! So we set to make this party, and her day memorable. She enjoyed helping me decorate everything in light pink, dark pink, pink, pink, pink ;o) Tyler was a huge help on party day hiding on the balcony and sprinkling fairy dust (glitter) from the balcony into the courtyard as each fairy entered. I wanted to get sprinkled too but I refrained ;o) And he assisted like a pro in all the games. The games we played brought me back to my childhood birthday parties. We began with the cotton ball scooping game (my favorite as a kid, and now Brielle say's its her favorite), we played musical chairs and we made finger puppet crafts. It was a magical day with friends for Brielle. I loved seeing her excited and over-joyed to have her friends at her house celebrating with her. And WOW, I have a 5 year old!
Here's a peek into her birthday party.