In July it seems like the whole valley runs away from the desert heat. So we left too…in search of crisp night time air, pine trees, mountains and mud. We run toward mud a lot lately…our family is kind of addicted to any and all Obstacle Course Mud Runs. This past weekend we got muddy doing the 10K Terrain Race, with 45+ obstacles. Staying in a cabin and breathing the fresh mountain air was something we all needed too. Although our lungs felt the elevation change and spanked us on the course, but we had a blast and can't wait to do it again. I realized this past weekend that I don't take nearly enough photos of my family just 'being', just 'living'. These images are full of bedhead, bruised shins, sleepy eyes and lazy moments. I'm promising here to take more 'everyday' photos. These are the ones that show the realness in just living. So be warned…I'm holding myself accountable here on my blog as well as on my social media accounts. Cherish the 'now' moments, so you don't have to get trapped in the 'what was' or 'could be'. Now is beautiful, capture it.