We're getting back to a good routine now that I've been home for just over a week. Each day we've been heading to the gym and the kids stay in the activity center and play with their peers, while I have a decompression, time-to-myself, work out session. Well on the way there today Tyler notices Chuck E. Cheese off to the far left and he informs me that Chuck E. Cheese is such a great place, and he adds "Did you know that Chuck E. Cheese is also a proud supporter of PBS kids?".... oh my...the things he says. A few minutes later he looks over at Brielle and said 'Wow Mom, Brielle is changing. She's growing up... wow, she's turning into a beautiful girl.' It was so cute to hear him say these things. Anyway, I thought I'd share...
Tyler would have nothing to do with my camera today so, I took Brielle and sat her on an antique chair we have, dressed in a cute little tutu -which she loved. She didn't enjoy being on the chair however, and this was the only shot I got of her. She immediately climbed down and went off to play with her big brother who was running around with his cool blue cape.