A while ago Zouyunli from 'Cookie World' Magazine, asked if I wanted to work with the magazine. I was delighted and flattered. Really? Cool! So there are three issues each with a 6 page spread of my work. She chose the images and they are oldies but goodies. :) This issue was in March 2011 and I should be getting copies from the Magazine of the other two Magazines. Pretty exciting!
And have I told you how much I love Nuxiemade's dresses?! I love them. They're cute, they wash well, they're colorful and the fabrics she uses are so fun. Here's another creation she recently added to her store. I thought the colors were so vivid they called for some gumballs. So we set the tone of her session around that :) Check her shop out if you haven't already. She used to be 'the crochet hat maker' but she's expanded her talents to more, more, more. And she's on Facebook where you can see her newest creations, specials, and discounts.