So this has been my life lately. This post couldn't have come at a crazier time. We've moved! Yes, so I'm surrounded by boxes and things that don't fit into spots in the house yet. We didn't move far only from Mesa to Scottsdale. To add to the craziness this week, we have a broken washing machine, broken ice maker and broken garbage disposal - fun stuff! The most painful thing right now is the washer...we have laundry piling up so high there's no place to hide it. And to make matters worse there are NO LAUNDROMATS in Scottsdale. NONE. Really? Crazy, so I have to think of plan B. Plan B, be stinky for a while. ;-) I never knew how dependent I was on my washing machine. Anyway, I'll figure out something and just be stinky until we get a new one (not really, we're going to find a laundromat this weekend). So as we're navigating through our maze of boxes we've also prepared for the last week of school. Today was the last day (yesterday now when I actually post this)! And with that comes projects, making teachers gifts, and just living in the moment with my kids soaking up every last moment of them being in the 1st and 3rd grade. These are days, hours, minutes and seconds that I'll never get back so I'm living in the them without the worry of all the deadlines I have that I've tried to press pause on. Those deadlines are still there but they weren't going to take away from the time I wanted to spend with my kids. Some of these pictures were taken with my iPhone (just a warning). This is not just 'one day' it's a few....more like the span of a week. :)
The first picture below was taken the night the kids had their last camp out in the backyard at the June Street house. Serious excitement for these kids and 100's of mosquito bites in the morning. ;-) It was worth it I think. {iPhone pic}

The photo below was taken on our last night in the June Street house. We all camped out in our room. Such a fun memory for all of us. {iPhone pic crappy...sorry}

Brielle encouraged me to take an unpacking break so she could swim the day we moved in. :) So funny, she plugs her nose just like me when jumping in the pool. She used to be able to jump without the pain of doing that but I guess she's seen me do that too many times. LOL
Preview Changes
Tyler not too sure about our move, feeling a little down we left our old neighborhood. I never see him down, this was unusual and lasted about 3 days. :( My heart broke. But he likes it here now and has a friend in the neighborhood that he loves to play with. Yay!

Another iPhone pic below. The only way to keep August from getting in the movers way when we were moving in was to use the counter as a 'babysitter' so their he layed while we hurried around the house moving boxes and furniture in.

The last few days of school....poorly documented but I got a few quick shots here and there. This has been my kids, their school, their happy little carefree world. Below - Ty and his buddies in class.

The Kickball Gang: Tyler and his buddies at recess getting ready to play kickball. 
Tyler getting an award in class :) MVP - or MVS (Most Valuable Student) award. He was so proud.

Brielle and her friend Kara. Playing at recess. So sweet seeing them play.

Hula-Hoop Conga Line Brielle started at recess. Such happy 1st graders.

Brielle lost her first upper front tooth the night before and was shaking with excitement eager to show her class her new smile and the wing prints the tooth fairy left for her the night before.

Articles written, invoices sent, photos edited, etc....all fueled with Starbucks Green Tea while the kids are in school. {iPhone pic}

So this week has been a very busy crazy week for this circle so I will be posting links to other's in the circle soon. It hit us all at the same time. Check back soon for links :)
UPDATE: Check out the amazing Martha Schuster for a peek at a day in her life. You'll be so glad you did. Love her post!!