I've been away so much this month. Where? Well one of the trips was to one of the most beautiful cities in the states! Boston! I love it there! I hadn't been in 10 years so this was truly a treat. My husband had some business there so he asked me along. I jumped at it! But what about the kids right? Well we're lucky to have such wonderful grandparents close-by, they stayed with the kids! We owe them big for all they do for us and the kiddos. Anyway, Jeff and I left on a Saturday morning for our snowy adventure! It was cold and snowing when we landed - I was in heaven even though I couldn't feel my hands or feet and my face was numb. This to me was 'winter', winter in a big-beautiful-historic city. Our long underwear came in handy since we walked or took the 'T' everywhere. What a cool city! It seems I only travel to big cities in January. In January of 2010 I visited Chicago for the first time. It was A-MAZ-ING! Everyone thought I was crazy for visiting in the midst of their freezing weather, but I was thrilled to be there. I don't think I ever shared those pictures on my blog - so I share those here too. :) First up - Boston in the winter!
{Below: I couldn't resist the lines in the two photos below. This door was on an unmarked building on Commonwealth. I loved it. And the escalator was in the tunnel on the way to the 'T'}

{below: random alley that I liked in Government Center (I think) and the statute of the soldier below was in that alley in front of a bar. I liked him :)}

{below: in Little Italy - a cool street sign. On that same street we noticed silverware in the cement on the stoop of an Italian Restaurant. Cool hu?}

{above: 'T' Sign - we got to know those well. Their transportation system made life so easy there. I wish every big city had such a slick system.}
{below: The 'T' - notice that the guys on the right are in their underwear...they were musicians playing at the station. I'm still not sure why they were in their underwear. Entertainment everywhere in Boston.}

{below: the beautiful Capital, just off Boston Commons}

{above: random narrow alley - cool lines. below: one of the many places I want to live in Boston. Doesn't this look cool and quaint? Sigh....}

{below: we stopped for breakfast 2 mornings at this great little dinner on Beacon Hill - The Paramount. So yummy.}

{below: view from the Institute of Contemporary Art. I sat in this area of the building for over an hour. So therapeutic.}

{below: the Holocaust Memorial. So sad, yet so beautiful. The lines on the tall pillars (there were 6 pillars) were the serial numbers of the victims who were killed.}

{below: random splashes of color on the waterfront}

{below: Jeff and I named this wondering boom-box carrying man - the 'boom-boom man'. We saw him several times in the Public Garden carrying his beach-scene-painted boom box, blasting his tunes. We couldn't make out what he was listening to. Entertainment a-plenty lol.}

{below: Artsy building among the beautiful brownstone on Commonwealth}

{below: used books liked the exterior walls of a second hand book store Jeff and I stopped at. :)}

Next are pictures of Chicago - Winter 2010. Another city I love and can 't wait to visit again!! So amazingly beautiful!!
{below: The Carousel on the Navy Pier had such an eerie look, slowly moving with empty seats. It was begging to be photographed}

{Below: Man fishing in the ice off the Navy Pier. They were catching alots of fish on this cold winter day}

{Below: the next several images are taken from the Sears Tower. What a fun experience! I walked a few miles in the freezing cold to get to the Sears tower. I was numb by the time I got there but it was 100% worth it!}

{Below: 'American Gothic'. Such a pretty setting for this statue. They moved it shortly after I left Chicago and brought it to....guess? Mesa, Arizona! Really. I need to photograph it here since that's where I live. Crazy how that happened}

{below: Cemetery that was calling me off the freeway on the way back to our hotel. I thought it was beautiful.}